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Dr. Shuxuan Ying won the Most Influential Paper Award of Chinese Physics Society in 2021

Hits: Update time: 21.Jul.2021

Recently, Dr. Ying’s paper, Chinese Physics C, 44,125101 (2020), was selected as “The Most Influential Paper Award of Chinese Physics Society in 2021”. This award was made to papers published in 2020 in Chinese journals which sponsored by Chinese Physics Society, based on the citations and influence of the paper.

In this paper, using the Hamiltonian Jacobi equation, the thermodynamic quantities of a 4D Gauss-Bonnet-Maxwell black hole were obtained by throwing a charge practice into the black hole. In the normal phase space, the cosmological constant and the Gauss-Bonnet parameters were fixed, black holes satisfied the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and the Weak Cosmic Review Conjecture (WCCC) was valid. On the other hand, in the extended phase space, the cosmological constant and Gauss-Bonnet parameters were taken as thermodynamic variables. The black holes also satisfied the first law of thermodynamics. However, the increase or decrease in the black hole's entropy depended on some specific conditions. Moreover, in the extended phase space, for the extremal black hole, the WCCC was violated.

Chinese Physics Society (CPS) launched this campaign in 2012, aiming to encourage more excellent researchers to publish their high- quality papers in Chinese journals. As one of a series of journals sponsored by CPS, Chinese Physics C is pleased to be presenting these awards again in 2021. The selection was based on papers that were published in the previous year. The papers were categorized into six subject categories (theory and experiments in the fields of particle and field physics, nuclear physics, particle and nuclear astrophysics), with the winners being the authors of the top 3% papers, ranked by total citations, novelty and significance of the paper, and the peer-review reports.

In addition, Dr. Ying was invited to participate in the " The Most Influential Paper Award of Chinese Physics Society in 2021" award ceremony in Qingdao.
